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Social Compliance Statement

Gold Bond, Inc. affirms our commitment to conducting all of our business with integrity, social responsibility and to be consistent with all legal requirements and ethical standards in the areas where we conduct business. Gold Bond is also committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, our customers, our vendors, and the environment. Gold Bond recognizes that by integrating a sound code of conduct, environmental and health and safety management practices, we can offer safe innovative products, provide a safe and secure working environment, while conserving and enhancing resources for future generations. Gold Bond seeks strict compliance with the Code of Conduct from all of our contractors, subcontractors and any other associated suppliers or production facilities.

Child Labor

  • No child under 15 years of age shall be employed with or without compensation.

Children in Tennessee are legally allowed to start working at the age of 15. At this age, they are limited to working up to three hours a day and up to 18 hours a week. They must be done with work no later than 7 p.m. during the school year. During the summer, these regulations are relaxed, allowing teenagers to work up to eight hours a day to a maximum of 40 hours per week, with an end time of 9 p.m. There are no hour restrictions for employees ages 16 and 17. However, these employees cannot be required to work during normal school hours. They also cannot be required to work later than 10 p.m. on school nights. However, with parental permission, 16 and 17 year olds can work up to three nights a week as late as midnight. It is further the policy of this Company to require proof of age before employing any person under the age of 18.

  • We must maintain official documentation that verifies the employee's date of birth and date of employment, and ensure that this record is available.

Wages, Hours and Benefits

  • Our vendors and their associated suppliers must comply with all applicable laws regulating wages, working hours, overtime and employee benefits for their particular regions.
  • Workers are to be paid at least the minimum wage or at least the local industry standard whichever is greater.
  • For each pay period Gold Bond provides the worker with a clear and understandable wage statement. All overtime work must be recorded and payment for this work clearly shown on the wage statement.

Health and Safety

  • The workplace must be safe and healthy based on the recognized standards and local laws.
  • The factory and worker's station must be well-lighted and ventilated.
  • There are sufficient operational and inspected fire extinguishers, and there are designated people trained to operate these.
  • There are functioning fire alarms
  • There are clearly marked exits that are unlocked during the working hours, sufficient to evacuate the factory quickly in an emergency.
  • Doors, aisles, and exits, are to be kept clear and accessible for easy evacuation.
  • There are no open electric switches, and unprotected wiring. All wiring is to code.
  • Workers are provided with clean cool drinking water.
  • A well-stocked first-aid kit in each zone with a emergency response team trained to administer basic first-aid.
  • Workers are provided adequate clean and sanitary toilet facilities.
  • Forced labor: The use of prison or forced labor for the manufacture of our products is strictly prohibited. We will not tolerate the use of any forms of physical or mental coercion. This extends to all other third party suppliers or subcontractors in the supply chain.

Legal Requirements

Our vendors and their associated suppliers must comply with all applicable national, local or international laws and regulations relevant to the conduct of their business.

Environmental safety

  • We expect our vendors and their associated suppliers to share our commitment to a clean and safe environment.
  • We expect our vendors to abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulations. We will manage our environmental footprint to minimize the adverse impact on the environment. Fair and equal treatment Work environments must be free of intolerance, harassment, abuse, retribution for grievances, and corporal punishment. We will not tolerate discrimination in hiring and employment practices on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin or religious affiliation.

Code of Business Ethics

Gold Bond Inc. is committed to the principles of integrity, honesty and good faith in its business dealings. Gold Bond Inc. will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and requires that all Gold Bond Inc. directors, officers and employees also adhere to the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity and the careful observance of all applicable laws and regulations. Employees are expected to use good judgment based on the highest principles of ethics and integrity in carrying out employment duties and in representing Gold Bond Inc. Gold Bond Inc. employees must not engage in any conduct that might result in a conflict of interest (or even the appearance of a conflict of interest) between Gold Bond Inc.’s interests and the employee’s interests or the interests of a third party. A potential or actual conflict of interest occurs when an employee can or does influence a decision which may result in personal gain for the employee, or the employee’s relative (defined as a person related by blood or marriage to the employee). Employees cannot take advantage of or permit third parties to take advantage of business opportunities which Gold Bond Inc. has, or in which Gold Bond Inc. can reasonably be expected to have an interest. If an employee has a relationship with any other company or business enterprise which presents a conflict or potential conflict, the employee must disclose to their executive staff member as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.