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Art Requirements


Artwork may be submitted in either hard copy or electronic format. All artwork is kept on file for no more than 24 months. Hard copy art must be crisp, clean, black and white line art. Please remember that the quality of your imprint depends upon the quality of artwork submitted to us. For Four Color Artwork please refer to the Full Color Artwork Specifications. Hard Copy artwork must be crisp, clean, black and white line art. If the art is for multiple color imprint, please provide color separations with registration marks. Artwork will need to be submitted either 100% to size or slightly larger. If smaller and has to be enlarged, loss of detail/crispness may occur.

NOTE: Shipment schedule of your order may depend on the quality of the artwork submitted and upon any changes made to the artwork once the order has been worked on.


Artwork can be accepted from the following programs:

  • Adobe Illustrator - AI, EPS, PDF

- CC or lower

  • Adobe Photoshop - EPS, TIFF, PSD (layered if possible)

- Must be 300 dpi or higher at 100% of final size or larger
- Scanned images need to be done at 1200 dpi saved as TIFF

  • Corel Draw - CDR

NOTE: All text must be converted to outlines/curves/vector objects/paths. We do oer a no charge recreate service, but please add an additional 24 hours to your production time. If we are unable to recreate your artwork, we will offer suggestions.

COMPRESSION: Please use Stuffit or Zip


NOTE: Company Name and Purchase Order Number need to be listed on the Subject Line of your email. Artwork with tight registration, halftones, screen tints and/or bleeds must be reviewed by our Art Department for approval. Avoid very ne lines, both in type and illustrations.


Must be set as a valid Pantone Solid Spot Color ( such as 286C, 186C, 165C, etc.)

-Custom-named colors/swatches (such as Coca-Cola Red) will need a hard copy color swatch submitted for comparison.

If done as Full Color Process, then will need submitted as CMYK and not as a swatch palette in the art le.

For Full Color please see Full Color Artwork Specifications

NOTE: For Doming, if white background with color in the middle, especially if red, due to the reflection of light it will appear that the white will be tinted by the color of the artwork. Such as if white with red, the white will appear to have a pink/red tint.


Gradients, when not done as Full Color Process imprint, will be done so as a dot pattern which may not yield the desired effect wanted.


FONTS (based on block fonts)

  • Screen Print/Pad Printed

- 7 points Small Items (such as tees,pens)
- 7 points Medium Items (such as bags)
- 14 points Large Items (such as sun shades, towels)

  • Debossed - 18 points
  • Laser Engraved - 7 points
  • Sublimation

- Hard Surface: 9 points, reversed out 10 points with .5 stroke
- Soft Surface: 10 points, reversed out 12 points with .5 stroke

  • Transfers - 8 points
  • Doming - 7 points


  • Screen Print/Pad Printed

- Small Items (such as tees,pens) 1 point
- Medium Items (such as bags): 1.5 points
- Large Items (such as sun shades, towels) : 1.75 points

  • Debossed - 2 points
  • Laser Engraved - .5 points
  • Sublimation

- Hard Surface: 1 point, reversed out 1.5 points
- Soft Surface: 1 point, reversed out 1.5

  • Transfers - 1 point
  • Doming - .5 points

NOTE: Anything less than the above mentioned minimums will print, however, we cannot guarantee legibility nor solidity to not break up or colors bleed into when printed


This is a CMYK Process printing method in which Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black inks are mixed together to create a desired color. Please note, however, that there is a limit to the color range that this process can achieve. There is also a difference between Pantone Solid Coated Colors and their CMYK equivalent that can be subtle or drastic in appearance. When reviewing proofs, keep in mind that colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and monitor used in your system. This is why the colors displayed are for reference only and not for EXACT matching.

NOTE: Shipment schedule of your order may depend on the quality of the artwork submitted and upon any changes made to the artwork once the order has been worked on.


Artwork can be accepted from the following programs:

  • Adobe Illustrator - AI, EPS, PDF

- CC or lower

  • Adobe Photoshop - EPS, TIFF, PSD (layered if possible)

- Must be 300 dpi or higher at 100% of final size or larger
- Scanned images need to be done at 1200 dpi saved as TIFF

NOTE: All text must be converted to outlines/curves/vector objects/paths. We do offer a no charge recreate service, but please add an additional 24 hours to your production time. If we are unable to recreate your artwork, we will offer suggestions. We cannot recreate 4 color process images or photos. Increasing the size of the image will decrease the dpi of that image.

COMPRESSION: Please use Stuffit or Zip

NOTE: Artwork with tight registration, halftones, screen tints and/or bleeds must be reviewed by our Art Department for approval. Avoid very fine lines, both in type and illustrations.


  • Colors should be CMYK.

- Custom-named colors/swatches (such as Coca-Cola Red) will need a hard copy color swatch submitted for comparison, and submitted as CMYK and not as a swatch palette in the art file.

  • If the file contains a combination of CMYK and Spot Colors, for best results we suggest to convert Spot Colors to CMYK so the entire job is done as process printing.
  • Grays should be created from black or they may produce undesired results in CMYK.

NOTE: For Doming, if white background with color in the middle, especially if red, due to the reflection of light it will appear that the white will be tinted by the color of the artwork. Such as if white with red, the white will appear to have a pink/red tint.


FONTS (based off of block fonts)

  • Sublimation

- Hard Surface: 9 points, reversed out 10 points with .5 stroke
- Soft Surface: 10 points, reversed out 12 points with .5 stroke

  • Transfers - 8 points
  • Doming - 7 points
  • Full Color/Four Color Process/ColorfinityHD - 7 points


  • 1 point, if reversed out artwork then 1.5 points

NOTE: Anything less than the above mentioned minimums will print, however, we cannot guarantee legibility nor solidity to not break up or colors bleed into when printed.